joi, 1 octombrie 2009

Cu si despre mine part

Name :Alexandra
Nick Name :Bubu, Ale or Alex ( if they can be considered nicknames)
Birthdate :11 august '93
Birthplace :Bacau
Current Location :za boring, same one
Eye Color :dark brown
Hair Color :brown with redish highlights when I stay in za sun light
Height :1.68 , 1.69. I'm not really sure
Weight :55 I think
Piercings :3 in the left ear, 1 in the right one (6 in the future)
Tatoos :none (yet) ; 6 or 7 in the future.( maybe more)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :no pets :D (nee, I'm not mean. I'm just me)
Vehicle :do sneakers count?
Overused Phrase :"Ejti nebun?" ; "NOT!" ; "I think there's someone in the woods..."
Food :I'm not fussy. I eat almost everything thats eatable
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :none yet
Candy :hehe, looong, long list. pretty much everything
Number :secret
Color :blue, green, grey, yellow, red
Animal :rabbit, cheetah, seagull,duck, hamster, dog, rabbit. Oh, yeah, I already said this litlle guy
Drink :mineral water, Bacardi Breezer, any fruit juice, red wine, white wine ( familly production), Angeli and other
Body Part on Opposite sex :lips , as in smile, and legs, as in skinny
Perfume :vanilla, cotton, orange, lemon, freshly cut grass
TV Show :Blue Collar TV
Music Album :Beyond the Horizon, by People in Planes
Movie :Grind
Actor/Actress :Edward Norton, Kirsten Dunst, James McAvoy, Adam Brody, Meg Ryan and other
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing :McDonalds
Chocolate or Vanillavanilla and caramel
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug :hug
Dog or Cat :bunny
Rap or Punk :alternative rock (and punk)
Summer or Winter :Autumn
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Funny movies
Love or Money :both?
Bedtime :10-11 pm
Most Missed Memory :having a bunny
Best phyiscal feature :hair I guess
First Thought Waking Up :I reaally gotta pee...
Ambition :tattoo-ing a puzzle piece on my face, under the right eye
Best Friends :lots and lots; Paulie, Mara, Rox and Cip
Weakness :I can't stop thinking about others
Fears :of the dark, of insects and of making mistakes
Longest relationship :gap
Cheated Your Partner :never ever
Ever been beaten up :a little
Ever beaten someone up :nope
Ever Shoplifted :nope
Ever Skinny Dipped :not yet
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :yup
Been Dumped Lately :no
Favorite Eye Color :blue
Favorite Hair Color :blonde and black
Short or Long :medium
Height :over 178
Style :just to have some style, doesn't really matter
Looks or Personality :personality
Hot or Cutehalf and half
Muscular or Really Skinny :skinny, simple skinny
What country do you want to Visit :Japan, Australia, Cehia, Sweden
How do you want to Die :tripping while getting down some stairs
Been to the Mall Lately :can't remember
Get along with your Parents :too good for my age (don't misunderstand)
Health Freak :almost
Do you think your Attractive :not really
Believe in Yourself :a lil'
Want to go to College :of coursee! 2 or 3 even
Do you Smoke :no
Do you Drink :all the time. Water, water, and some more water
Shower Daily :yup
Been in Love :never
Do you Sing :all the time, especially on the street
Want to get Married :maybe
Do you want Children :2 or 3
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :not until 19
Hate anyone :many people
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